Selects: How Manhunts Work | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

In this intriguing episode of Stuff You Should Know, the hosts dive into the complex world of manhunts and their role in solving high-profile criminal cases. They begin by discussing the James Earl Ray case, where Canadian police had to sift through 150,000 passports to ultimately apprehend Ray at London's Heathrow Airport. The thoroughness of law enforcement efforts is further highlighted with the Boston Marathon Bombing, where various strategies, public cooperation, and a significant amount of personnel contributed to finding the suspects.

The podcast then delves into the fascinating story of the Unabomber, Ted Kaczynski, who terrorized the United States with his bombs for 18 years. His eventual capture through the recognition of writing style by his brother demonstrates the importance of engaging the public in manhunt efforts. Similarly, Eric Robert Rudolph, the Olympic bomber, is mentioned as another case where law enforcement persisted in their search, capturing him after years of hiding.

As the conversation moves forward, the hosts explore the phenomenon of online manhunts, where armchair detectives and true crime enthusiasts use their skills to help authorities solve cases. The State Department's "Tag Challenge" is also discussed as an example of worldwide collaborative efforts, in which participants had to locate individuals within a short timeframe using only their mugshots.

The importance of public involvement is highlighted, citing the Boston Marathon bombings as a prime example of communities lending their assistance in these critical situations. However, the dangers of such assistance are also explored, as the hosts examine how online vigilantes can sometimes recklessly take matters into their own hands or unintentionally cause harm, as evidenced by the Christopher Dorner case where police mistakenly killed two people in their haste.

Finally, the podcast concludes with a listener's email discussing chess rules and strategies, which includes a clarification of various rules and the symbolism behind the game's pieces. Overall, this episode provides an intriguing and comprehensive look at the methods, strategies, and lengths to which law enforcement and the public go in their pursuit of justice during manhunts.