#125 - John Arnold: The most prolific philanthropist you may not have heard of

In this episode of The Drive podcast, Peter Etia interviews John Arnold, a successful natural gas trader turned philanthropist. The podcast covers Arnold's background, including his first business in baseball card trading, his successful career in natural gas trading, and his decision to shut down his hedge fund to focus on philanthropy. The episode also discusses the foundation's approach to philanthropy, which involves finding solutions that benefit society and working with both the left and the right. The podcast is approximately two and a half hours long, with time stamps provided for listeners to skip to the parts that interest them.

Arnold's rise in the natural gas trading industry at Enron is discussed in detail, as he started as an assistant trader and quickly rose through the ranks due to the company's merit-focused culture and the high turnover rate of mid-level employees. Despite not having prior knowledge of the natural gas industry, Arnold excelled in his role and eventually became the head natural gas trader at Enron at the age of 25. The podcast also discusses the importance of confidence and a willingness to take risks in trading, while also acknowledging the dangers of being too arrogant.

The context also discusses the natural gas industry and the factors that made it a profitable commodity to trade, including its seasonal nature and the need for storage. The speaker eventually decided to leave the industry and focus on philanthropy, which was a difficult decision as he had been fully committed to trading for over a decade. He had to gain confidence in his ability to find happiness in other pursuits and become an expert in a new field.

The podcast also delves into the challenges of philanthropy, particularly in K-12 education and the criminal justice system. The speaker and their team decided to focus on changing policies related to policing, courts, prisons, and re-entry to create a more equitable and just system. The context discusses the factors that led to mass incarceration and the reduction in crime rates. The lack of effective recidivism programs has led to a high recidivism rate. There is a need to reimagine prisons and redesign the system to maximize the chance that people do not return to prison when released.

The speaker also talks about the impact of philanthropy on their children and the importance of teaching them about giving intelligently. They also mention the benefits of giving locally and the culture of philanthropy in the United States. The speaker mentions their membership program, which offers exclusive content and benefits for subscribers. Overall, the podcast provides an insightful look into the world of natural gas trading and philanthropy, and the challenges and rewards of both.