Selects: Pterosaurs: Not Flying Dinosaurs | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

In the Stuff You Should Know podcast episode titled "Selects: Pterosaurs: Not Flying Dinosaurs," hosts Josh and Chuck delve into the fascinating world of pterosaurs, focusing on both the scientific facts about these creatures and the experiences surrounding their study. Pterosaurs were flying reptiles that lived during the time of dinosaurs, although they were not dinosaurs themselves. They had a common ancestor with dinosaurs in the wide Archosaurus clade and had unique wings made up of three free fingers, with the fourth, an extremely long pinky, forming the front edge of the wing.

The hosts emphasize the diversity among pterosaurs, with countless species varying in size and ecological niche. They evolved from small, light lizards skilled in jumping, eventually adapting to gliding and flying. Most fossils of pterosaurs are discovered in lagoons, where gentle fossilization can occur. Interestingly, these creatures were quadrupeds, using their strong arms and small legs to leap into the air before engaging in flight. Their bones were remarkably light and hollow but were reinforced by cross-sections for added strength.

Throughout the episode, the hosts also explore the largest species of the pterosaurs, which had wingspans ranging from 10 to 15 meters and could have weighed around 20 pounds. As more people grow interested in uncovering the lives of these ancient beings, some have even dubbed the 21st century as the "Golden Age of Pterosaur Research." Additionally, the hosts discuss an article from National Geographic titled "Why Pterosaurs Were the Weirdest Wonders on Wings," which highlights the competitive and backbiting nature that exists within the pterosaur paleontology community.

Furthermore, the podcast episode includes a snippet of conversation discussing the hosts' experience and thoughts on flying in private jets, focusing on the lack of hassle when compared to commercial flights. Lastly, a listener's email is shared, providing insight into the listener's great-great-grandmother in China having bound feet and reflecting on the societal changes that have occurred in just five generations. The listener also shares advice on pronouncing specific Chinese words. Overall, the episode offers an engaging and informative look at the unique world of pterosaurs and provides a glimpse into the world of pterosaur research, where enthusiasts and experts continue to unravel the mysteries of these intriguing flying reptiles.