#54–Kevin Sayer, CEO of Dexcom: Continuous glucose monitors–impact of food, sleep, & stress

The Peter Atia Drive podcast features an interview with Kevin Sayer, the CEO of Dexcom, a company that produces glucose monitors. Sayer discusses the company's continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) technology, including the new G6 technology that has an automated insertion process and is more comfortable for patients. He emphasizes the importance of accuracy and consistency in their sensors, which enables them to do sophisticated things with people who want to control their insulin dosage. The podcast also discusses the challenges of navigating the US healthcare system and the potential for using CGMs in patients with type 2 diabetes who use insulin.

The podcast highlights the importance of glucose monitoring and the challenges faced by patients with diabetes. The limitations of hemoglobin A1c and the challenges faced by patients with type 2 diabetes are discussed, emphasizing the need for differentiating between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and addressing them separately. The podcast also explores the treatment of type 2 diabetes and the importance of fixing the glucose side of the equation rather than just adding more insulin to the system. Metformin and sglt2 inhibitors are therapies that save lives in type 2 diabetes.

The podcast discusses the challenges and limitations of continuous glucose monitoring (CGM) devices. The speaker emphasizes the importance of accuracy, convenience, cost, and healthcare outcomes in developing a successful CGM product. They mention a company that measures glucose levels in tears but notes that it has not yet been proven accurate enough for market release. The speaker also discusses the economic barriers to accessing CGM devices, particularly for type 2 diabetes patients.

Overall, the podcast provides valuable insights into the world of glucose monitoring and diabetes treatment. The speakers emphasize the importance of accuracy and consistency in glucose monitoring, the challenges of navigating the US healthcare system, and the potential for future advancements in CGM technology.