#105-Paul Conti, MD: The psychological toll of a pandemic & the societal problems it has highlighted

In a recent episode of The Drive podcast, host Peter Atia and guest Dr. Paul Conti discuss the anxiety, trauma, and uncertainty related to the COVID-19 pandemic. They delve into the psychological effects of pandemics and how they differ from other external stresses such as war or natural disasters. The conversation also touches on societal problems and challenges individuals face during this time, including the erosion of expertise, the lack of protection and support provided by the government and society, and the negative effects of anger and emotion on political discourse. The speakers emphasize the need for greater recognition of our shared humanity and the importance of working together to address common threats.

The speakers also discuss the pervasive feeling of insecurity that affects people, even those with economic means. This feeling leads to obsessive and negative thoughts, causing demoralization and a lack of interest in life. The pandemic has highlighted the lack of protection and support provided by the government and society, and the impact on healthcare workers who are facing significant challenges and risks during this time.

The speakers suggest the need for an alliance of common sense, where people prioritize truth and work towards making changes in the healthcare, social, and economic systems. They also emphasize the importance of humility and practicality in promoting well-being and easing suffering. The conversation shifts to the topic of self-care during times of stress and the importance of focusing on what truly matters, such as spending time with family.

Overall, the episode provides valuable insights and perspectives on the current situation and stresses the importance of working together to create a better society. The speakers emphasize the need for greater recognition of our shared humanity, the importance of prioritizing logic over emotion, and the need for nuance in discussing topics like hydroxychloroquine and climate change.