#64 – Zol Kryger, M.D.: Plastic surgery—common procedures, reducing risk, & picking the right doctor

In a recent episode of The Peter Atia Drive podcast, plastic surgeon Dr. Saul Krieger discusses common misconceptions and risks associated with plastic surgery procedures such as breast augmentation, liposuction, and the Brazilian Butt Lift. He emphasizes the importance of selecting a board-certified plastic surgeon and asking the right questions before undergoing any procedure. The episode also covers the potential risks of fillers and the importance of having them done by a qualified professional.

Dr. Krieger discusses the differences between being a plastic surgeon and someone who performs plastic surgery without proper training. He explains that only a small minority of plastic surgery in the United States is performed by board-certified plastic surgeons, and that any physician with an MD degree can legally perform any procedure without repercussions. This lack of regulation has led to many non-plastic surgeons performing cosmetic procedures, which can result in irreversible damage.

The podcast also covers the long-term complications of breast implants, specifically capsular contracture, rupture, and a rare cancer called anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). The gummy bear implant is a teardrop-shaped anatomic implant that was designed to match the shape of the breast. These implants require a larger incision to place and are textured to hold them in place. Dr. Krieger explains that teardrop-shaped implants are only used in reconstructive cases, and that smooth round silicone implants are preferred over saline implants as they look and feel more natural and last longer.

The podcast also discusses tummy tuck procedures for women who have had children and want to improve their abdominal appearance. Dr. Krieger explains that it is recommended to wait until after having children to avoid undoing the results. The procedure involves lifting up all of the skin off the abdominal wall and exposing the entire abdominal wall, then tightening the fascia and bringing it together to make the abdominal wall flat and tight. The biggest risk is fluid accumulation called seroma, but it usually resolves with appropriate follow-up drainage.

The podcast also covers liposuction procedures, which are the most common method used by board-certified plastic surgeons. The fat is connected to the overlying skin and connective tissue, making it difficult to uniformly suction out. Complications from liposuction can be severe, including punctured lungs and liver, electrolyte problems, and lidocaine toxicity. The Brazilian Butt Lift (BBL) is a popular plastic surgery procedure that involves injecting fat into the buttocks to enlarge them. However, it is also one of the most dangerous procedures in all of surgery due to the risk of fat embolism, which can be fatal.

Dr. Krieger emphasizes the importance of understanding the patient's problem and determining if he can safely and effectively help them. He also discusses turning down patients who may not be good candidates for surgery, such as those with body dysmorphic disorder or unrealistic expectations. The surgeon also warns about the risks associated with minimally invasive procedures, such as fillers and lasers, and encourages patients to do their research and ask questions before undergoing any procedure.