#49–Matt Walker, Ph.D., on Sleep (Part 3 of 3): Effects of poor sleep on metabolism & performance...

The final part of the Matthew Walker series on The Peter Atia Drive podcast focuses on the impact of sleep on various aspects of health and well-being. Insufficient sleep can have negative impacts on insulin and glucose homeostasis, intracellular functioning, gene expression, appetite regulation, and impulse control networks in the brain. Lack of sleep can also lead to an increase in caloric intake, poor food choices, decreased creativity, decreased work performance, and negative impacts on reproductive fitness and health. The podcast emphasizes the importance of getting sufficient sleep for overall health and wellness and discusses the negative impacts of sleep aids, including alcohol and caffeine. The use of THC and CBD as sleep aids is also explored, with early studies showing promise for CBD in reducing sleep latency without negative impacts on REM sleep or dependency. Mental health is a critical part of longevity, and sleep problems are increasingly shifting from biological to psychological causes. The podcast also discusses the difficulty of getting funding for fundamental research on sleep and the need for philanthropic support. Additionally, the podcast touches on Formula One racing and the importance of optimizing sleep and circadian rhythm to improve physical and cognitive performance in racecar driving.