Dr. Sam Harris: Using Meditation to Focus, View Consciousness & Expand Your Mind | Huberman Lab 105

The Huberman Lab podcast episode features a conversation between Andrew Huberman and Sam Harris, where they discuss various topics related to consciousness, meditation, psychedelics, and free will. They explore the illusionary nature of the self and the benefits of meditation in discovering this. They also discuss the default-mode network in the brain and its relationship to self-talk, mind-wandering, and self-representation. The speakers touch on the topic of time perception and how it affects our ability to perceive small objects. They also discuss the compatibility of meditation with everyday activities such as playing sports or having conversations. The conversation also touches on the differences between various substances, including MDMA and classic psychedelics like LSD and psilocybin. Finally, they discuss the relationship between psychedelics, meditation, and the self and how they can lead to a deeper understanding of oneself and a more process-oriented approach to life.