Valter Longo, Ph.D. on Fasting-Mimicking Diet & Fasting for Longevity, Cancer & Multiple Sclerosis

In this podcast episode, Dr. Valter Longo delves into the benefits of fasting and fasting-mimicking diets for various health conditions, including cancer and multiple sclerosis. Fasting can trick the body into thinking it is in a state of starvation, which can sensitize cancer cells to death and improve immune function. Fasting-mimicking diets are being developed to provide the benefits of fasting in a safe and controlled way. These diets can increase longevity and protect normal cells while sensitizing cancer cells to chemotherapy. Compliance and finding a plan that fits an individual's lifestyle is important for promoting adherence. While these diets show promise, it is important to consult with a clinician before incorporating them into a treatment plan.

Dr. Longo also emphasizes the importance of balancing health goals with personal happiness and preferences, suggesting that doctors provide clear rules for their patients on how to regulate weight and calorie intake. He discusses the potential for these diets to regenerate damaged cells and improve immune function and highlights the differences between fasting and caloric restriction. Dr. Longo also emphasizes the importance of considering human evidence and mutations rather than just blocking important pathways with drugs like rapamycin. Further research is needed to fully understand the potential of fasting and fasting-mimicking diets, but the insights provided in this podcast offer valuable information for those interested in incorporating these interventions into their health regimen.