2022 Holiday Spectacular! | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

In this episode of the Stuff You Should Know podcast, the hosts take a deep dive into various Christmas traditions and places around the world. They start by discussing the history of chestnuts as a Christmas staple in America and efforts by The American Chestnut Foundation to bring back the traditional Christmas chestnuts. The hosts then move on to talk about special places around the world that claim to be Santa Claus's home, such as Rovaniemi, Finland, and North Pole, Alaska. They also mention places like Drobak, Norway, where Santa was supposedly born under a rock.

The conversation then shifts to the two worst Christmas songs in history, with a focus on "Grandma Got Run Over by a Reindeer." The hosts cover the origins of the song, how it became popular, and its impact on pop culture. They also discuss the history and popularity of the Christmas song "All I Want for Christmas is My Two Front Teeth," including its origins and how it became a number one hit in 1949.

Peppermint is also discussed as a popular flavor associated with Christmas, particularly in candy canes, which were invented by a German Coral Master in the late 17th century to keep rowdy children occupied during a live nativity. The hosts also talk about Elvis Presley's love for Christmas and his elaborate decorations at Graceland, including his preference for blue lights over traditional white lights and his reputation for giving extravagant gifts during the holiday season.

The hosts end the episode by recommending a podcast called "Ephemeral" and mentioning a guest appearance on the I Heart show "Parenting is a Joke" where they discuss parenting and their daughter's adoption story. They wish everyone happy holidays and encourage listeners to take care of themselves during this potentially difficult time of year.