#115–David Watkins, PhD: Immunology, monoclonal antibodies, & vaccine strategies for COVID-19

The Drive podcast episode features an interview with Professor David Watkins, a renowned expert in immunology and coronaviruses. The episode covers a range of topics related to immunology, including the process of B cell evolution in response to a virus, the difference between antibodies and antigens, and the importance of neutralizing antibodies in preventing infections. The discussion also touches on the challenges of measuring neutralizing antibodies in a clinical setting and the power of cytotoxic T-cells in fighting viral infections and cancer.

The speaker also discusses the challenges of developing a vaccine for HIV due to the virus's chronic nature and high variability, making it difficult to generate a neutralizing antibody response. However, significant progress has been made in antiretroviral therapy, rendering HIV a chronic disease rather than a uniformly fatal one. The speaker also mentions the success of a workaround for Hepatitis C through the development of drugs that cure the virus, despite the lack of a vaccine.

In the context of COVID-19, the speaker discusses the severity of the virus compared to the flu from a biological standpoint and the potential of monoclonal antibodies as a treatment option. The speaker also touches on the different approaches to vaccine development, including the use of attenuated or inactivated viruses, and the importance of being prepared for future outbreaks. Overall, the episode provides valuable insights into the science of immunology and the potential solutions for pandemics like HIV and COVID-19.