StarTalk Podcast: Cosmic Queries – Get Some Space, with Neil deGrasse Tyson

In this episode of the StarTalk podcast, Neil deGrasse Tyson and Chuck Nice answer a variety of questions from listeners on topics related to astrophysics and space exploration. They discuss the destructive power of black holes and how nothing can withstand the tidal forces that rip apart molecules and atoms. They also explore the singularity at the center of a black hole and the possibility of it being a portal to other universes. However, the discovery of Hawking radiation suggests that material cannot be transported to another universe.

The hosts also discuss the discovery of a communication system within the universe and the longest unsolved problem in astrophysics, which is understanding dark matter. They also touch on the challenges of colonizing other planets and interacting with potential extraterrestrial life. Dr. Tyson also answers a listener's question about the possibility of humans colonizing other planets in their lifetime.

In addition, the hosts discuss the current budget for science research in America compared to the military budget and the horizon problem related to the consistency of temperature in different parts of the universe. They also explain that Earth plows through several hundred tons of meteor dust a day, but it is uninterestingly small relative to the total mass of the Earth.

Lastly, they discuss the simulation theory and the importance of elevating science to a place of respect in government. The hosts suggest that science needs better advertising and that people need to be constantly reminded of its importance and how it affects their daily lives. The podcast ends on a positive note, encouraging listeners to keep looking up.