StarTalk Podcast: Cosmic Queries – Life on Venus, with Neil deGrasse Tyson

The StarTalk Podcast episode titled "Cosmic Queries – Life on Venus, with Neil deGrasse Tyson" features a discussion about the recent discovery of phosphine gas in the atmosphere of Venus and its potential as a sign of life. The hosts and guest discuss the challenges of investigating Venus due to its high pressure and temperature, but suggest using a balloon or glider to study the atmosphere. They also explore the possibility of life existing in the clouds of Venus, but caution that the environment is more acidic than any on Earth. The conversation delves into the conditions necessary for life to exist and the importance of understanding the sulfur cycle on Venus. The hosts also discuss the potential risks of bringing samples back to Earth and the role of Jupiter in protecting Earth from asteroids. Throughout the podcast, the hosts share humorous anecdotes and movie pitches related to the topic. The episode ends with a question about the possibility of animal life on Venus, to which the guest responds with a "maybe." Overall, the podcast provides an informative and entertaining exploration of the complex questions surrounding the possibility of life in the universe.