Season 2 Ep 23 Twitter Q&A with Geoff Hinton

In the latest episode of The Robot Brains Podcast, the guest speaker was Jeff Hinton, a renowned computer scientist, and one of the founding fathers of deep learning. The episode adopted a Twitter Q&A format, where the audience was provided with the opportunity to put forward their questions for Jeff Hinton. The discussion revolved around Jeff's work, his vision for the future of AI, and his concerns about AI. The episode revealed that Jeff's approach to research was curiosity-driven, believing that it is necessary to answer fundamental questions about how the brain works. Pursuing bottom-line factors may limit creativity, which leads to the best research outcomes, best achieved when driven by curiosity.

One of the most exciting parts of the episode was Jeff's prediction that a convincing learning algorithm for spiking neural nets will be the next big thing in AI. This algorithm should be able to handle both the discrete and continuous decision-making processes that occur in spike timings, allowing for interesting computations that are difficult to achieve in non-spiking neural nets. Additionally, the episode discussed the use of spiky neural nets to represent auditory inputs, with the potential of detecting agreement and correlations, but a good learning algorithm is still required to take that representation and use it.

Jeff Hinton shared insights into his thought process while solving research problems, citing that he tends to work with analogies and that he prefers intuition over formalism. He believes that progress in neural nets comes from intuitive ideas, not necessarily from doing math right. Furthermore, Jeff's views on consciousness were controversial, with him seeing consciousness as a pre-scientific concept and a primitive attempt to understand what's going on in the mind. He thinks that once we understand how the brain works, it will give us lots of psychological insights.

Overall, the episode provided exciting insights into the work of Jeff Hinton, with the discussion covering fundamental concepts in AI and their implications on the future of the industry. The Twitter Q&A format allowed the audience to participate in the discussion and gave them the opportunity to learn from one of the most accomplished scientists in the field. The episode serves as a testament to the importance of curiosity-driven research and offers valuable insights into how the human mind works. Dr. Pawd continues to produce engaging and informative content for anyone interested in the AI industry.