#157 - AMA #22 [sneak peek]: Losing fat and gaining fat: the lessons of fat flux

In this episode of the Drive podcast, Peter Attia discusses two topics: fat flux and nicotine. The main focus of the episode is on fat flux and the question of why oxidation of fat does not necessarily lead to weight or fat loss. Attia explains that simply being in ketosis or being a "fat-burning machine" does not guarantee weight loss or fat loss. He breaks down the process of losing fat into two approaches: reducing the total number of fat cells or shrinking the fat cells.

To simplify the problem, Attia introduces the concept of fat flux, which refers to the flow of fatty acid substrate into and out of a fat cell. He explains that understanding the behavior of fat cells in response to this flux is crucial in understanding weight and fat loss. By understanding fat flux, individuals can better understand how their body responds to different diets and exercise regimens.

The episode also briefly touches on the topic of brown adipose tissue (BAT) and its unique metabolic properties. BAT is a type of fat tissue that generates heat and burns calories, and it is more prevalent in newborns and hibernating animals. Attia explains that understanding the role of BAT in metabolism could potentially lead to new therapies for obesity and diabetes.

Overall, this episode provides valuable insights into the complex process of weight and fat loss, emphasizing the importance of understanding fat flux and the behavior of fat cells in response to different stimuli.