#109 – John Dudley: The beauty in archery, the love of practice, and a model system for life

In this episode of The Drive Podcast, Peter Atia interviews John Dudley, a professional archer and host of the Nock On TV station and podcast. Dudley discusses his background in archery, including his decision to turn down a Division 1 football scholarship to work at an archery store and his dedication to the sport. The conversation covers various topics related to archery, including different types of competitions and equipment, the mental aspect of the sport, and the ethical responsibility of knowing one's limitations when hunting. Dudley also shares his experiences in the archery industry and emphasizes the importance of integrity and maintaining relationships. The conversation ends with a discussion on the benefits of hunting and its role in conservation.

Dudley's passion for archery is evident throughout the episode, and he discusses how his competitive drive and dedication to his craft set him apart from others. He also shares personal stories, including a traumatic event from his childhood that pushed him to excel in sports and become fully committed to training. The conversation touches on the differences between compound and recurve archery, with compound archery being more lucrative and having more participants. Dudley also emphasizes the importance of attention to detail and dedication in achieving success, using examples from his own experiences in archery and business.

The conversation shifts to the topic of hunting, and Dudley discusses how hunting fits into conservation and how it is managed in different states. He explains how tags are sold for hunting, with the funds going back into conservation programs. Hunting also helps regulate animal populations, such as deer, which cause millions of dollars in insurance claims and hundreds of deaths from collisions with vehicles each year. Dudley acknowledges that some people may not understand or agree with hunting, but he believes it is important to respect differing opinions.

Overall, the episode highlights the beauty and mental benefits of archery as a sport and the role of hunting in conservation. Dudley's passion for archery and dedication to his craft is evident throughout the conversation, and he shares personal stories and insights that make for an engaging and informative episode.