#48–Matt Walker, Ph.D., on Sleep (Part 2 of 3): Heart disease, cancer, causes of sleep disruption...

The Peter Atia Drive podcast episode features Professor Matthew Walker, a neuroscience and psychology expert at the University of California Berkeley, who discusses the importance of sleep on cardiovascular disease, cancer, reproductive health, and medical errors. The podcast highlights the negative effects of insufficient sleep on the sympathetic nervous system, metabolism, and immune system. The speaker emphasizes that sleep cannot be accumulated like a bank debt and that social jet lag can have a detrimental impact on circadian biology. The podcast also discusses the potential negative impacts of technology, specifically smartphones and tablets, on children's sleep and suggests limiting technology use in the bedroom to improve sleep quality. The speaker emphasizes the importance of balancing adenosine, cortisol, and melatonin to achieve healthy sleep and suggests that behavioral changes, such as separating bed from work and practicing meditation, can help decrease sympathetic nervous system activity and improve sleep. The podcast provides additional resources for listeners to learn more about these topics.