Dr. Andy Galpin: How to Build Physical Endurance & Lose Fat | Huberman Lab Guest Series

In this podcast episode, Dr. Andrew Huberman and guest Dr. Andy Galpin discuss the relationship between endurance and fat loss. They cover the different types of endurance and the protocols required to achieve them, as well as how to maximize fat loss. They also dispel the myth that endurance training is only for losing fat or for long-term health. Endurance comes down to two factors: fatigue management and fueling. Improving mechanics, particularly breathing techniques and posture, can lead to significant improvements in endurance. The podcast also discusses the benefits of both steady-state long-duration exercise and higher intensity interval training, and the importance of training across the full spectrum. Finally, they mention a study that showed that even short bouts of exercise, such as running up a flight of stairs for 20 seconds, can lead to noticeable improvements in cardiorespiratory fitness and cognitive benefits.

The podcast also delves into the process of how the body converts carbohydrates into glucose and fructose, which are stored in the body as glycogen, glucose, or fat. The speaker explains how metabolism breaks down carbon bonds to produce energy and how carbon is moved around the body. They also discuss the role of oxygen in metabolism and respiration. Additionally, they discuss the body's ability to utilize different fuel sources during exercise and how to improve fuel utilization through training.

The podcast covers the importance of managing waste production during exercise, specifically carbon buildup, through oxygen utilization. The process of carbohydrate metabolism is explained, starting with glucose in the cytoplasm, splitting it in half through anaerobic glycolysis, and then moving into aerobic glycolysis in the mitochondria. Endurance exercise is not about ensuring enough fuel, but rather about managing waste production. Fat is not a significant contributor to energy unless in ultramarathons or longer events, and protein is generally not a significant fuel source.

The podcast also discusses different workout protocols for improving anaerobic and aerobic capacity, as well as the importance of long duration endurance exercise for overall fitness and health. The training program is designed to improve metabolic flexibility, enhance fat burning and carbohydrate burning systems, and increase VO2 max. The program is also compatible with strength and hypertrophy training. The program should not only help individuals achieve their fitness goals but also improve their longevity, productivity, and sleep.