The Science & Treatment of Bipolar Disorder | Huberman Lab Podcast #82

The Huberman Lab Podcast episode discussed bipolar disorder, its symptoms, and treatments, including the use of lithium. The podcast also touched on major depression and the brain mechanisms of neuroplasticity. Bipolar disorder is characterized by manic episodes lasting at least seven days, during which the person experiences an elevated mood, expansive thoughts, distractibility, impulsivity, and grandiosity. Bipolar 1 is diagnosed if a person displays at least three of these symptoms for seven days or more, while bipolar 2 is characterized by both manic and depressive episodes, with manic episodes lasting four days or less and being less intense than in bipolar 1. The heritability of bipolar disorder is high, with an 85% heritability rate, and environmental factors can trigger or increase susceptibility to the disorder.

The podcast also discussed the history of lithium as a treatment for bipolar disorder, and how it increases BDNF, which allows for greater neuroplasticity and protects neurons from dying. Additionally, lithium has anti-inflammatory effects and can suppress inflammation in neural tissues, which is important in bipolar disorder. The podcast also explored the mechanisms of lithium and ketamine in treating bipolar disorder. While ketamine is effective in treating major depression, its effects are transient and require repeated treatment. Talk therapies, particularly cognitive behavioral therapy, are effective in augmenting drug therapies for bipolar disorder.

The podcast also discussed various treatments for bipolar disorder, including electric shock therapy, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, and ketamine therapy, which show promise for reducing depressive episodes and, in some cases, reducing the intensity of manic episodes. Psilocybin and cannabis have not been shown to be effective treatments for bipolar disorder. Inositol and omega-3 fatty acids have been shown in some studies to be effective in adjusting the symptoms of bipolar disorder. However, people with bipolar disorder should consider the full picture of treatments, including drug treatments, talk therapy, lifestyle interventions, and nutraceutical or supplement-based treatments, as a necessary approach for dealing with their illness.

The podcast also explored the relationship between creativity and mood disorders, noting that certain occupations such as poetry, art, and music composition have a higher incidence of depression and mania. However, it's important to distinguish between emotional states and clinical diagnoses, as psychiatric conditions like bipolar disorder carry tremendous maladaptive weight and high suicide risk. The episode also covered homeostatic plasticity, membrane fluidity, and the influence of neuromodulators on mental and physical health.