3 Mechanisms for Magnesium Deficiency

Are you aware that over half of the US population is magnesium deficient? That's right, and in this podcast episode, Dr. Rhonda Patrick explains the three main reasons why this deficiency is so prevalent. First, the food we consume has changed over time, and the move towards processed foods, sugar, red meat, and dairy-based products has caused a decline in magnesium levels. These types of food do not contain significant amounts of magnesium.

The second reason is because of phytates found in several foods like legumes and oat bran which bind up minerals like magnesium. This binding activity makes it difficult for our bodies to absorb magnesium from these foods. Additionally, people with diabetes and those who consume alcohol are more prone to magnesium deficiency due to excretion.

So what can you do to combat this widespread magnesium deficiency? Eating green chlorophyll-containing vegetables like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard or supplementing with magnesium citrate can help maintain magnesium levels in the body. Dr. Patrick also advises against taking enteric coating magnesium supplements.

Lastly, after a night of binge drinking, it's critical to replenish magnesium levels by consuming spinach or a spinach smoothie. To sum up, Dr. Rhonda Patrick highlights the importance of being mindful of our diet to ensure proper magnesium levels, as magnesium deficiency can have a considerable effect on our health.