Dr. Terry Wahls Discusses Her Multiple Sclerosis Protocol

In this fascinating podcast episode, Dr. Rhonda Patrick interviews Dr. Terry Wahls, a medical doctor who was diagnosed with relapsing-remitting MS in 2000. Dr. Wahls initially sought treatment through traditional medicine, but after several years of declining health, she began researching alternative treatments. Through her research, Dr. Wahls discovered the importance of micronutrients in reversing the symptoms of autoimmune diseases. She learned that mitochondrial function is vital to addressing brain dysfunctions and that micronutrients are lacking in most diets.

Dr. Wahls created a diet that maximizes these crucial micronutrients and noticed significant improvements in her symptoms within months of changing her diet. She subsequently conducted a clinical trial to prove the effectiveness of her protocol in treating MS and other autoimmune diseases. The research showed that her protocol is safe, well-tolerated, and had a dramatic impact on fatigue.

Dr. Wahls emphasizes the importance of a diet rich in micronutrients, especially from greens, as they provide magnesium and vitamin K. She also speaks to the critical role of sulfur in maintaining mitochondrial membrane structure and metabolism. Dr. Wahls believes that addressing the root of the problem, which begins in the cell and the micronutrient environment, is the key to treating chronic and autoimmune diseases.

Dr. Wahls is seeking crowdfunding for further research and has a book called "The Wahls Protocol," which provides a step-by-step program for implementing the diet. Dr. Rhonda and Dr. Wahls both conclude that a micronutrient-dense diet can provide much-needed antioxidants and support our cellular and mitochondrial health. This informative podcast episode offers valuable insights into the importance of proper nutrition in treating chronic diseases and promoting overall health and wellness.