StarTalk Podcast: Cosmic Queries - Out There with Neil deGrasse Tyson

In this episode of the StarTalk Podcast: Cosmic Queries - Out There with Neil deGrasse Tyson, the hosts and guests delve into the concept of a holographic universe and its implications for understanding the universe. They discuss how physicists have theorized that all the information required to understand the universe can be encoded on just a surface instead of in the full space, and how this idea relates to black holes and the event horizon. They also touch on the possibility of the universe being the result of a white hole and the singularity at the center of a black hole being a portal to another universe. The conversation highlights the role of mathematics in understanding the universe and how seemingly implausible concepts can be challenged by nature.

The hosts also discuss various topics related to astrophysics and cosmology, including negative energy and mass, star generations, the creation of heavy elements, and the number of black holes in the universe. They answer questions from listeners about the smallest a black hole can be and the possibility of a white hole. The conversation is informative and entertaining, with a focus on scientific discovery and exploration.

Additionally, the hosts discuss the expanding universe and its impact on the earth. They explain that while the universe is expanding, it is not strong enough to break apart the earth. They also answer a listener's question about what lies beyond the observable universe and whether the universe is finite or infinite. The hosts end the episode with a quote from Einstein about the universe and human stupidity.