Dr. Charles Raison on Depression, the Immune-Brain Interface & Whole-Body Hyperthermia

In this episode of the FoundMyFitness podcast, Dr. Charles Raison discusses the link between inflammation and depression, arguing that chronic inflammatory activation is linked to changes in the brain and body that ultimately lead to depression. He suggests that depression may have evolved from sickness as a pathogen defense mechanism. Dr. Raison also discusses the potential benefits of exercise and hyperthermia, with heat therapy being a promising treatment for depression. Additionally, he talks about how ancient practices, including running and fasting, can have biological effects and behavioral effects that might be relevant for depression. The episode also touches on the impact of light exposure on depression, sleep deprivation, air travel, and much more. The speakers discuss how complementary therapies and transformative wellness practices could be an ultimate way forward in treating depression, but it is a challenging task to bridge with standard pharmacology.