how much caffeine can one drink in a day safely?

The amount of caffeine that one can safely drink in a day varies from person to person. It is based on two things: a preexisting disposition and how caffeine-adapted a person is. The recommended range is 1 to 3 milligrams of caffeine per kilogram of body weight for a single bout. It is suggested to start on the lower end of the range and gradually increase the dosage. People who are considering using caffeine as a tool should think about the timing and dosage according to certain tasks throughout the day. The recommended dose can be ingested at two separate times per day separated by about four hours. It is not recommended to consume very high levels of caffeine over long periods of time in one's life due to various health issues. It is best to figure out the source of caffeine and the amount of caffeine one is consuming from coffee, sodas, and teas. It can be wildly inconsistent from location to location, depending on the brew type, vendor, and functionality. It is important to limit caffeine intake to early in the day and not drink it past two or four PM, depending on one's schedule, to avoid disrupting the architecture of sleep. The suggested range of caffeine intake for most people is 100 to 400 milligrams per day. It is important to note that by drinking caffeine consistently day-to-day, its effect will be slowly accumulating. However, it is crucial to be aware of individual differences in sensitivity to caffeine and to take them into account when consuming caffeine.