Selects: Who Committed the 1912 Villisca Ax Murders? | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

The podcast episode of "Stuff You Should Know" delves into the horrific Villisca ax murders, which occurred in 1912 in a small town in Iowa. The murderer used an ax to kill eight people, including six children, while they were asleep in their beds. The crime scene was disturbed by over a hundred people, making it impossible to preserve any evidence. The prime suspects were a wealthy state senator named Frank Jones and a traveling preacher named George Kelly, but both were exonerated due to a lack of evidence. The podcast hosts also discuss the theory of a serial killer, as there were similar ax murders in the Midwest between 1911 and 1912. However, the case remains unsolved.

The conversation continues with the possibility that Henry Lee Moore was the serial killer, but his motives were greed-related rather than sexually motivated. The podcast hosts also discuss similarities between the murders, such as the use of oil lamps and covered mirrors, and the possibility that the killer traveled by train. The episode ends with a listener mail about a man who was diagnosed with hookworm after listening to an episode of the podcast.

Throughout the episode, the hosts warn listeners that the details of the Villisca ax murders are graphic and disturbing. The case remains unsolved, leaving listeners with a sense of mystery and horror. The podcast provides a detailed and informative discussion of the events surrounding the Villisca ax murders, while also warning listeners of the graphic content.