Selects: How Jet Lag Works | STUFF YOU SHOULD KNOW

In this episode of "Stuff You Should Know," the hosts delve into the science of jet lag and how it affects the human body. They explain that jet lag occurs when travel across time zones disrupts our circadian rhythm, which leads to a range of symptoms from fatigue to mental and health problems. They discuss studies that show how jet lag can cause health issues like heart disease and diabetes in humans, similar to how rats and hamsters exposed to simulated jet lag developed health problems.

The hosts also provide tips on how to combat jet lag, such as adjusting sleep schedules before traveling or taking melatonin supplements. They discuss the importance of the body's temperature in regulating sleep and waking cycles and how it can contribute to jet lag symptoms. The episode also touches on herbal remedies, pharmaceuticals and devices such as the Valky developed to reduce stress, anxiety and migraines.

In a sentimental moment, the hosts read a message from a listener named Wendy who shares how their show has helped her through rough times when she relocated and had a baby. The hosts reflect on their growth since starting the show almost five years ago and encourage listeners to reach out to them with their stories. The podcast ends with some advice from the CDC to maintain a healthy lifestyle to help combat jet lag.

Overall, this episode provides a wealth of information on the science and remedies for jet lag while adding some varied and heartfelt musings on life and the impact of their show on their listeners.