Season 2 | On the DL with Andrew Song of Whisper AI

The episode titled "Season 2 | On the DL with Andrew Song of Whisper AI" is a personal and insightful interview with Andrew Song, a founder and CEO of the technology company Whisper AI. The podcast host asks Andrew a variety of personal questions, which helps to shine a light on Andrew's beliefs, values, and personality.

Andrew expresses his belief that self-driving cars can revolutionize transportation, saving time and increasing human safety. He also mentions that Bill Gates and Stan Chanovsky are his influences and mentors. When asked what human value he would give robots if he could, Andrew answers that it would be the ability to show that robots are listening and can empathize with humans.

Andrew also shares his excitement about the increase in civic engagement in the world, despite some short-term challenges. If he were to volunteer for the rest of his life, Andrew says he would be a music teacher, sharing his passion for the violin. He also shares his thoughts on the book "Extraterrestrial" by Avi Loeb, which argues that we have had contact with aliens.

Andrew's best present ever received is his violin, and if he could have dinner with one person, living or deceased, it would be his grandfather on his father's side, whom he never met. He advocates for embracing differences instead of conforming, and acknowledges himself as a relatively calm and boring person despite being in a CEO position in Silicon Valley.

Overall, this podcast episode provides a great insight into the personality and beliefs of Andrew Song, as well as interesting discussions around technology, volunteering, and individuality.