#78 – Sasha Cohen: The price of achievement, and redefining success

In this episode of The Peter Atia Drive, Peter Atia interviews Sasha Cohen, an American figure skating legend who won a silver medal in the 2006 Olympics. They discuss Sasha's life growing up, her insecurities, and her remarkable achievement in the Olympics. They also talk about Sasha's life post-skating and her involvement in a project to bring awareness to depression among Olympians. The interview provides insights into the pressure and mental state of athletes during the Olympics.

Sasha Cohen reflects on her experience at the 2006 Winter Olympics in Italy, where she won a silver medal. She talks about the mental and physical preparation that goes into figure skating competitions, including the difficulty of getting back into the choreography after a fall and the physical toll it can take on the body. The skater emphasizes the importance of mental toughness and perseverance in the sport of figure skating.

The conversation also touches on the challenges faced by Olympians, particularly in figure skating. They reflect on the pressure to win and the identity that comes with being an athlete. The speaker also talks about the difficulty in transitioning to life after retirement and the struggle to find a new identity. They mention the importance of allowing life to happen and finding a balance.

The podcast episode also explores the pressure and expectations placed on Olympic athletes by fans and the media. The author believes that fans and the media create a toxic environment of expectation and do not show enough compassion for the athletes as human beings. The author also discusses the challenges faced by Olympians, including the lack of glory and money for most athletes and the difficulties of training and competing at a high level.

The podcast episode concludes with a discussion on the difficulty of transitioning to a new career after retiring from sports, and the challenges faced by many Olympic athletes in this regard. The speaker, Sasha, chose to be a tadpole in the ocean and moved to New York to redefine success and find happiness. She realized that success is what one defines it to be and that happiness is more important than what society deems success. The episode emphasizes the importance of emotional well-being and building meaningful relationships in our lives.