#104 - COVID-19 for kids with Olivia Attia

In this episode of The DR Podcast, Peter Atia and his daughter Olivia discuss the coronavirus pandemic from the perspective of children. They cover topics such as what a virus is, how the coronavirus started, and when kids might be able to go back to school. Peter explains that the virus likely originated in bats and went from a bat to a pangolin to a human. He also mentions that while this virus is infecting a lot of people, there have been other corona viruses in the past that have been more lethal.

The conversation then turns to the challenges posed by the aggressive spread of the coronavirus, particularly in densely populated areas like New York. They discuss the importance of pandemic preparedness and caution against assuming immunity or transmitting the virus to those at higher risk. The speaker advises taking precautions with packages and washing hands thoroughly. They also use the situation to teach the importance of discipline and making sacrifices for long-term benefits, criticizing the lack of preparedness by leaders as a reason for the current suffering caused by the pandemic.

The podcast also touches on the challenges of online schooling and missing social interactions with friends. Olivia appreciates having her dad around more during quarantine and they talk about their new puppy. The podcast concludes by mentioning a membership program with exclusive content for subscribers.

Overall, this episode provides a kid-friendly explanation of the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on daily life. It emphasizes the importance of taking responsibility for the situation and making sacrifices for the greater good. Additionally, it highlights the need for pandemic preparedness and the importance of following precautions to slow the spread of the virus.