The Centenarian Decathlon, zone 2, VO2 max, and more [AMA 39 sneak peak] | Peter Attia, M.D.

In this episode of the Drive podcast, the host Peter Etia shares his approach to exercise and answers questions from listeners. His goal is to train for the Centenarian Decathlon, which involves being in the last decade of life and functioning like someone 20 years younger. To achieve this goal, he emphasizes the importance of specificity in training and the need to focus on specific metrics.

Peter breaks down his current exercise program into four categories: zone two cycling, zone five cycling and stair climbing, strength and stability, and rucking. He uses met hours per week to standardize his exercise routine and track energy expenditure across these categories. This approach allows him to be consistent with his training and monitor his progress towards his goal.

Throughout the episode, Peter answers listener questions about exercise, covering all aspects of exercise for a well-rounded discussion. He discusses the importance of recovery and rest, the benefits of high-intensity interval training, and the role of nutrition in exercise.

Overall, this episode provides valuable insights and practical advice for anyone looking to improve their exercise routine. Peter's approach to specificity and tracking progress can be applied to any fitness goal, and his emphasis on a well-rounded approach to exercise highlights the importance of balancing different types of training.