#20 – Tom Dayspring, M.D., FACP, FNLA – Part I of V: an introduction to lipidology

This podcast episode features a 7-hour interview with Dr. Tom Dayspring, a leading expert in the field of lipidology. In the first part of the interview, Peter Atia introduces Tom and discusses his background and accomplishments, including his personal transformation through a modified intermittent fasting regimen developed by Atia. The conversation then delves into the benefits of modified fasting as a form of caloric restriction, including weight loss and improved biomarkers. The importance of caloric restriction in depleting glycogen, reducing insulin, and turning off nutrient sensing organelles and molecules is also discussed.

Tom Dayspring's childhood obsessions with firefighting and hockey are also explored. He runs one of the largest historical fire Matic firefighting websites in the United States and was recently awarded an honorary battalion chief title by the Patterson Fire Department for his dedication to documenting the department's history. He also discusses his love for hockey and how his interest in cardiology and preventing heart disease led him to focus on the prevention of heart attacks rather than treating them after the fact.

The podcast then shifts to Tom's experience as a lipid educator and how he developed ways of explaining and illustrating lipids that became popular in the field. He explains the basics of lipids, cholesterol, and fatty acids, including the different types and their functions in the body. The educator emphasizes the importance of phospholipids and the complexity of the cholesterol system. Finally, the different types of fats, including saturated, monounsaturated, and polyunsaturated fats, and their varying properties are briefly discussed.

Overall, this podcast episode is highly technical and covers a range of topics in lipidology, making it a valuable resource for physicians and patients alike.