173 - AMA #26 [sneak peek]: Continuous glucose monitors, zone 2, & a framework for interventions

The Drive podcast episode features a discussion on various topics including continuous glucose monitoring (CGM), the Aura ring, and exercise. Host Peter Etia presents his framework for interventions, which includes evaluating the risk of harm, probability of benefit, and opportunity cost. While CGM has a low risk of harm, it can potentially cause anxiety and obsession, especially in individuals with a history of eating disorders. However, CGM can provide valuable insight into one's carbohydrate tolerance, leading to behavior modification.

One of the biggest drawbacks of CGM is its economic cost, as it is not covered by insurance for non-diabetics. Despite this, the hosts agree that CGM is a valuable tool for those looking to optimize their health, especially in the context of a low-carb or ketogenic diet. The Aura ring, a sleep wearable, is also discussed, with the hosts noting its potential to track sleep quality and quantity, as well as its ability to provide insight into recovery and readiness for exercise.

The hosts also touch on the topic of exercise, noting that while it is important for overall health, it is not always necessary for weight loss. They discuss the benefits of resistance training, including increased muscle mass and improved insulin sensitivity. Overall, the episode provides an informative and balanced discussion on various health and wellness topics, with a focus on evidence-based interventions and their potential benefits and drawbacks.