AMA #7: Cold Exposure, Maximizing REM Sleep & My Next Scientific Studies

In this engaging AMA episode, Andrew Huberman discusses the complex relationship between deliberate cold exposure and the immune system. He addresses the concern that cold exposure could potentially lead to colds or sickness, as the mucosal lining in the nasal passages and mouth is thinner in cold environments. Despite this susceptibility, Huberman explains that deliberate cold exposure can also enhance our immune system by increasing the plasma concentrations of immune molecules like IL-6 and T lymphocytes, particularly when done regularly over time.

The release of molecules such as epinephrine and norepinephrine during deliberate cold exposure can have varying effects on the immune system. Huberman highlights a study demonstrating the benefits of cyclic hyperventilation (Wim Hof breathing) prior to an endotoxin injection, which allowed participants to avoid symptoms of illness. This reveals that cold exposure can both positively and negatively affect immune function, depending on the context.

To safely engage in cold exposure, Huberman provides guidelines based on one's current health condition. He recommends that those who feel healthy and strong can practice cold exposure while ensuring to warm up after the session. For those feeling slightly rundown, cold exposure should be done cautiously, followed by thorough warming up using methods like hot baths or saunas. If one feels unwell, it is best to avoid cold exposure and prioritize rest for recovery.

Huberman also stresses the importance of nasal breathing to reduce susceptibility to infections. Nasal breathing is more effective than mouth breathing in ensuring a healthy immune response during cold exposure. This intriguing AMA episode offers valuable insights and practical advice on navigating the effects of deliberate cold exposure on our immune system and overall well-being.