Dr. Giselle Petzinger on Exercise for Parkinson's Disease

In this engaging podcast episode, Dr. Giselle Petzinger shares her expertise on Parkinson's disease and its impact on cognitive, motor and non-motor functions, noting dopamine deficiency as a core cause. She highlights the benefits of exercise to improve brain activity, stress tolerance and repair mechanisms. Dr. Petzinger explains the importance of skill and cognitive loading, as well as heart rate-boosting exercises for motor improvement, recommending one-on-one therapy and personalized treatment plans. Additionally, the podcast explores the role of environmental and genetic factors in Parkinson's, benefits of dietary measures such as omega-3 fatty acid intake, and the need for community support and goal-setting for better exercise compliance. The speakers conclude with the importance of lifestyle changes and education for patients, highlighting how exercise can help in delaying the onset of motor and non-motor symptoms.