Rhonda Patrick interviews Rich Roll on the Environmental Impact of Food, and a Plant-Based Diet

In the podcast episode, Rhonda Patrick interviews Rich Roll, an ultra-endurance athlete who shares his journey towards adopting a plant-based diet and getting into endurance training. Rich talks about the benefits of a plant-based diet, including better gut health, higher levels of micronutrients, and reduced inflammation. They also discuss the impact of animal agriculture on the environment and how industrialized animal agriculture may not be sustainable in the long run. Rhonda also delves into the implications of processed meat in cancer incidence, cautioning listeners against sensationalist headlines and emphasizing the importance of critical thinking when approaching scientific claims. Finally, the hosts stress the need for self-reflection and compassion in developing a better understanding of oneself and others. Overall, the podcast serves as an educational tool to promote healthy eating habits and a responsible approach to our environmental impact.