Jed Fahey, Sc.D. on Isothiocyanates, the Nrf2 Pathway, Moringa & Sulforaphane Supplementation

In this podcast episode, Dr. Jed Fahey and Rhonda Patrick discuss the health benefits of sulforaphane – a compound found in cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and Morringa. They delve into the importance of the enzyme myrosinase, which is required to convert glucoraphanin to sulforaphane, and how gut bacteria can affect myrosinase activity. The episode explores the potential use of supplements and probiotics to increase myrosinase activity, while also discussing the challenges and questionable efficacy of many supplements on the market. The conversation also includes the benefits of sulforaphane on Helicobacter pylori, inflammation, and oxidative stress, and highlights ongoing trials investigating the effects of sulforaphane on autism, Alzheimer's, and progeria. Additionally, the potential of the moringa plant as a cheap and powerful dietary intervention for people living in developing nations is discussed. Overall, the podcast emphasizes how consuming sulforaphane-rich foods like broccoli sprouts can lead to improved health and longevity.