COVID-19 Vaccines and Ivermectin with MedCram and Dr. Roger Seheult

In a podcast episode titled COVID-19 Vaccines and Ivermectin, Dr. Roger Seheult, and Dr. Patrick discussed various aspects of the COVID-19 pandemic, including the effectiveness of vaccines, the potential long-term effects of the virus, and the use of ivermectin as a potential treatment. The episode stressed the importance of getting vaccinated, especially as younger populations are being hospitalized at higher rates due to the Delta variant. They debunked misinformation about the spike protein and mRNA vaccines, stating that the vaccines' benefits far outweigh the risks. The podcast emphasized interpreting the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System data carefully and acknowledged the importance of taking adverse event reports seriously.

Furthermore, the podcast addressed the use of ivermectin, emphasizing the need for rigorous scientific study before it can be considered a viable treatment option. They also highlighted the importance of optimizing lifestyle factors, such as getting enough sleep and vitamin D, in improving immunity and overall health. The podcast stressed the importance of vaccinations in reducing the transmission of the virus and preventing severe disease.

Overall, the podcast provided listeners with well-informed data to arm them with information to make decisions about their health. The hosts encouraged sharing the episode and leaving feedback for future discussions.